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  • Date 1801–1850 Xcheckmark
Displaying items 46 – 54 of 68 Start Over


Queen Street

One story, gables structure with a relatively steep pitch. The board siding is sand dashed and painted light green. The pain is failing in some areas. In addition., several boards remain unfinished. The entrance door is located on the west facade with a wood louvered ...

11 King Street

One story, two bay structure with a gable roof and beaded wood siding. The entrance of the house faces south. The rear is beaded. The east facade has replacement siding and is unfinished. Zinc patching is evident on the front facade as well. The remainder ...

Lower Harbour

Half in ruins. Only walls and foundation of original building are extant on South. North half reconstructed as plywood building with corrugated metal roof. Yellow plywood replacement window on East facade with concrete block filler underneath. 2 encasement windows with concrete block filler underneath on North ...

5 Rodney Street

The lower floor consists of cells arranged on both sides of two north-south passages. Long front stone steps rise to a porch in front of a projecting upper-floor entry, which gives access to two large front rooms, in front of four smaller rooms. Much original ...

1 Park Lane

Nogged frame northwest corner of the upper floor, wood siding on southwest corner, and cut stone lower floor. Five-bay, double hipped-roof with cap-n-comb. Entrance front faces away from street onto the courtyard. Parged concrete block 2-story porch addition with staircase added to the western portion ...

6 Rodney Street

Hipped fiber glass shingled roof. Cut stone walls with lime parging. Wooden door on east side of south facade. Four by four window that opens outwards on each side of door. Mosaic tiled covered patio with central wood door on west end of south facade. ...

9 King Street

Hipped cap-n-comb roof with three peaks and fiber glass shingles. Addition on the west end has a flat roof with gabled sky light. Walls are sand-dashed. There is a wrap around porch on the entire east side and the east half of the north side ...

Davidson House

In her 1837 will, Mary Gairdner, a free woman of color, bequeathed “my Bay Creole House” to her son Thomas Davidson. Creole houses were usually only one room deep with large galleries to allow a cooling cross-breeze to blow through the house. A keystone over the ...

Fort Balcarres

This site was first developed in 1803 to serve as Fort Balcarres, defending the mouth of the harbor. The site was dominated by the long stone barracks that today serves as one of the two main buildings for the school. The fort was moved to this ...